Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I would think the purpose of a Blog is to enhance a person's writing by many ways, such as different styles of writing. My video clip I will try to install will show metaphorically that there are different ways of doing a task. Probably the possible way a blog can help is that there are many people, which are going to read our writing so, that may also allow us to copy and use different ways of styles. That is probably I would think as the main reason for this blog.


By: Youtube

This clip shows that there are two types of soccer players, one which is strength and the other of being a skillful player. This clip shows that in one subject, there are many ways of preforming. I think that a person's writing has a different style compared to any other person. I think that the blog makes it possible to look at someone else's work, which will help you make the best style of writing, which suites you the most.

1 comment:

chris said...

how, nutz the soccer video