Thursday, March 1, 2007

My 2 posts for my new Personal Question

Background details:
The personal essential question is a question we wrote in class, which you want to learn more about or tall about. My first question was too personal, so I decided to change my question to "Can I, or am I able to change my future?" I will write down what I feel about my new question and see if I am able to expand on my ideas.

First entry:
I wonder if I am able to change my future if I approached a topic or a subject in a different matter. In religion they say that you were born to do one thing, which god/ the creator has assigned to you. But on the other hand parents and adults say that you can change the future if you try hard. I am confused about this because if we are able to change the future, that means that the religion is fake, or if the god or creator assigned you the future, which means you are unable to change your future from the start. For sure that it is unable to predict what the future will turn out like, but the two statements are contradicting them selves so I am a little confused about this question. I am sure that different people with different perspectives have different reasons why, but what is the real answer? I tried to think about the answer myself, but my answer was only going in a circle, so I am not sure if there both correct or if only one of them are correct.

My second entry:
I was still thinking about my question, and I found out that there is only one correct answer. For example, if you believed in the religion of god choosing your future the logical people are wring and that god assigns a job for everyone and there are no possible ways to change it because god created it like that. On the other had from logical people, there are many different paths to a future, which you can control by your self. These two explanations are just like a puzzle piece, which will never fit. If your future was already assigned you are unable to change it and if you change your future, it was never assigned from the start. I will try and figure out how this can work out together.

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