Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Choice entry

I was thinking on what to write about my choice entry. So I decided to write about my choice entry. What should I write about? Something that is interesting? something, which is fun? or something I am thinking about? Something that is bothering me? Everything comes into mind, but what should I write about. Well, I guess I will write about cooking. I love to cook! Maybe a guy loving to cook might sound weird, but I love to cook for my family and friends. I don't know many ways of cooking things so I just make up my own. Making your recipe is very fun! The favorite meal I like to cook is probably breakfast and Dinner. Breakfast is probably the most important meal o the day, so I make a lot of plates. My best plate would probably be my scrambled eggs with Italian sausage, onions, and some other things I find in the fridge. I like to make smoothies or even the simplest of all tasks, the homemade cookies. One other thing I love to do is grill and roast meat or anything. It's easy to make and taste really good too! Well, the bad thing is that you slave over a hot stove for two hours and you finish eating it in 30min. I cooked over the stove, looked all over the place for items I can use and serve the hot meal. One time I made roast beef and the juice of the meat was very delicious. Medium roasted for two hours and coated with peppercorn and Hawaiian salt. With mash potato my mom helped me make. That Christmas was the best because of my roast beef and the mash potato, and some other things my family made. I have been cooking since age of seven, and still going on and love cooking.

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