Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Act 1

Scene: 1

Well, basically this is a disaster for most of the characters in this scene. As Theseus and Hippolyta plan their wedding, the bomb drops on them. It seems as thought Demetrius wants to marry Hermia, Hermia loves Lysander and Lysander lovers her back. So, in the end that means Hermia has nothing to do with Demetrius. They start arguing and come to this conclusion. Wait before the conclusion; they state that hermia must obey her father because he is the person, which gave her her beauty. Also it is mandatory that she obeys her father. She either marries Demetrius or she takes the painful way out. The painful way is to become a widow. They decided to give her enough time, which was at the wedding. Hermia and Lysander make an escape plan so they are able to marry each other.

Scene: 2

Peter Quince is a director of a band of armature actors and they are supposed to act out a play for the wedding of Theseus and Hippolytia. Well, while he was giving everyone their scripts and roles, this guy comes in and said he wanted to do every single role in the play. Guess who that was? Nick Bottom, what a foolish man; he said he wanted to act out everyone’s parts. This who thing meant one thing, which was as we know in Hollywood, "A Star". All the lights toward him, making the ladies shriek, and catching everyone’s eyes. Once after the big commotion died, Quince sends everyone off to practice and memorize his or her lines.

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