Thursday, May 17, 2007

Act 3

Scene: 1

We come back to the actors again who are practicing for the play Pyramus and Thisbe. Bottom has many interesting parts such as Pyramus kills himself with a sword, and the lion is frightening, both acting are sure to scare the women. Therefore Bottom needed to come up with something, which was announcing that the lion was an actor and he needed to show part of his face. Then Puck plays a joke on Bottom and gives him an ass's head. (Donkey) The actors see his head and they storm into the forest. Then with luck Titania sees Bottom, and falls in love with him because she was under the spell of the flower juice.

Scene: 2

Puck goes back to Oberon and tells him what happened to Titania. Oberon is pleased that Titania is being humiliated in such a way. Hermia is forced to believe that Demetrius killed Lysander, so she cured Demetrius. She goes away, leaving Demetrius to fall asleep in front of Oberon. Helena believes that Lysander is only teasing her with, and tells him that his phrases are sueless. She wakes up Demetrius, on whose eyes Oberon has applied with the herb. Demetrius sees her and also falls in love with Helena. In the middle of this argument over which guy loves Helena more, Hermia arrives. Hermia is speechless by Lysander's words, and also she does not believe that he could possibly love Helena. Oberon and Robin step into the scene. Oberon is angry about the mess that Robin has made and orders him to separate Demetrius and Lysander.

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