Thursday, May 17, 2007

Act 4

Scene: 1

So basically this scene is for releasing the spells of love from all of the people, which are unbounded in it. Titania dreamt of falling in love with an ass and Bottom had a dream of being an ass. Because Oberon felt he was being an ass (literally) he reunited with Titania and they danced. Thesues, Hippolytia, and Egus spot the lovers in the forest, while they were taking a stroll, and they were amazed because Demetrius and Lysander are enemies, but they are there together. They return to the palace to continue the special day.

Scene: 2

Quince and Flute are looking for Bottom because they are worried about the play because Bottom plays the main role. They are scared that they were not able to perform for the king, but suddenly from nowhere Bottom appears and they are able to act out the play for the king. Bottom tells them as a joke not to eat Garlic and Onions because it is not sweet for Comedy, and the play went on for the wedding.

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