Thursday, May 17, 2007

Act 4

Scene: 1

So basically this scene is for releasing the spells of love from all of the people, which are unbounded in it. Titania dreamt of falling in love with an ass and Bottom had a dream of being an ass. Because Oberon felt he was being an ass (literally) he reunited with Titania and they danced. Thesues, Hippolytia, and Egus spot the lovers in the forest, while they were taking a stroll, and they were amazed because Demetrius and Lysander are enemies, but they are there together. They return to the palace to continue the special day.

Scene: 2

Quince and Flute are looking for Bottom because they are worried about the play because Bottom plays the main role. They are scared that they were not able to perform for the king, but suddenly from nowhere Bottom appears and they are able to act out the play for the king. Bottom tells them as a joke not to eat Garlic and Onions because it is not sweet for Comedy, and the play went on for the wedding.

Act 3

Scene: 1

We come back to the actors again who are practicing for the play Pyramus and Thisbe. Bottom has many interesting parts such as Pyramus kills himself with a sword, and the lion is frightening, both acting are sure to scare the women. Therefore Bottom needed to come up with something, which was announcing that the lion was an actor and he needed to show part of his face. Then Puck plays a joke on Bottom and gives him an ass's head. (Donkey) The actors see his head and they storm into the forest. Then with luck Titania sees Bottom, and falls in love with him because she was under the spell of the flower juice.

Scene: 2

Puck goes back to Oberon and tells him what happened to Titania. Oberon is pleased that Titania is being humiliated in such a way. Hermia is forced to believe that Demetrius killed Lysander, so she cured Demetrius. She goes away, leaving Demetrius to fall asleep in front of Oberon. Helena believes that Lysander is only teasing her with, and tells him that his phrases are sueless. She wakes up Demetrius, on whose eyes Oberon has applied with the herb. Demetrius sees her and also falls in love with Helena. In the middle of this argument over which guy loves Helena more, Hermia arrives. Hermia is speechless by Lysander's words, and also she does not believe that he could possibly love Helena. Oberon and Robin step into the scene. Oberon is angry about the mess that Robin has made and orders him to separate Demetrius and Lysander.

Act 2

Scene: 1

Well, basically this scene is about scam and arguing again. Oberon and Titania enter the act from opposite sides, and for some reason they start arguing about things. (This not suitable for some audience) They also start arguing about who gets the Indian boy, that’s when Oberon gets the sinister idea. He tells Puck (another fairy) so go fetch some flowers. The flower is called the love-in-idleness, and it also has a magical mysterious power to make someone crazy in love with the first person they see upon awakening. This scheme was made so that Titania will give in to Oberon and therefore forfeiting the Indian boy.

Scene: 2

Lysander and Hermia has been walking through the forest for quite some time so they decide to take a rest and they decide to sleep. As Puck enters the scene he is wandering around the forest for Demetrius and Helena, he finds Lysander and Hermia. Little as he knows about the two he is trying to find he sees them sleeping apart so he drops the flower juice onto Lysander's eyes. Demetrius and Helena find them and try to wake them up. Lysander looks at Helena first so he falls in love with her instead with Hermia.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Act 1

Scene: 1

Well, basically this is a disaster for most of the characters in this scene. As Theseus and Hippolyta plan their wedding, the bomb drops on them. It seems as thought Demetrius wants to marry Hermia, Hermia loves Lysander and Lysander lovers her back. So, in the end that means Hermia has nothing to do with Demetrius. They start arguing and come to this conclusion. Wait before the conclusion; they state that hermia must obey her father because he is the person, which gave her her beauty. Also it is mandatory that she obeys her father. She either marries Demetrius or she takes the painful way out. The painful way is to become a widow. They decided to give her enough time, which was at the wedding. Hermia and Lysander make an escape plan so they are able to marry each other.

Scene: 2

Peter Quince is a director of a band of armature actors and they are supposed to act out a play for the wedding of Theseus and Hippolytia. Well, while he was giving everyone their scripts and roles, this guy comes in and said he wanted to do every single role in the play. Guess who that was? Nick Bottom, what a foolish man; he said he wanted to act out everyone’s parts. This who thing meant one thing, which was as we know in Hollywood, "A Star". All the lights toward him, making the ladies shriek, and catching everyone’s eyes. Once after the big commotion died, Quince sends everyone off to practice and memorize his or her lines.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Choice entry

I was thinking on what to write about my choice entry. So I decided to write about my choice entry. What should I write about? Something that is interesting? something, which is fun? or something I am thinking about? Something that is bothering me? Everything comes into mind, but what should I write about. Well, I guess I will write about cooking. I love to cook! Maybe a guy loving to cook might sound weird, but I love to cook for my family and friends. I don't know many ways of cooking things so I just make up my own. Making your recipe is very fun! The favorite meal I like to cook is probably breakfast and Dinner. Breakfast is probably the most important meal o the day, so I make a lot of plates. My best plate would probably be my scrambled eggs with Italian sausage, onions, and some other things I find in the fridge. I like to make smoothies or even the simplest of all tasks, the homemade cookies. One other thing I love to do is grill and roast meat or anything. It's easy to make and taste really good too! Well, the bad thing is that you slave over a hot stove for two hours and you finish eating it in 30min. I cooked over the stove, looked all over the place for items I can use and serve the hot meal. One time I made roast beef and the juice of the meat was very delicious. Medium roasted for two hours and coated with peppercorn and Hawaiian salt. With mash potato my mom helped me make. That Christmas was the best because of my roast beef and the mash potato, and some other things my family made. I have been cooking since age of seven, and still going on and love cooking.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Pesonal Question

Well, today I was sick, and there was nothing to do so I thought about my personal question. "What will I become in the future?" Was my question I thought for nearly two hours? I was thinking about it. Well we all know you can't escape from death because it's nature, but we something that pokes out is our future. Is it changeable, or is it impossible. God decided what we are going to do and it is impossible to change it or what is the deal? People think about this a lot, but no answer comes into mind! This is what really makes me mad. Your parents say you can change the future and anything, but religious people say god has it all planned. What is the deal? Either you can change or cannot change? Which one is it?

Why is it that all the time my parents say that I am able to change my future? I am not religious, but sometimes I want to say god arranged this for me. I can't change the future even if I wanted too. Sometimes people say that just to escape from the present and to dodge the obstacles of life. I think that people try to go into other people business and so; people would want to cover up and say something unnecessary. My parents bug me a lot, well mostly my sister, but I want them to mind their own business. I think people are meant to do things that they are doing right now. I wish my life were easy as my myspace name. Take life simple, which means to not stress out on the present or future, but to live the present 100% no matter what happens.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Life in Podcast!!

Enjoy my podcast!!!